Church Music Pt. 4!

The final in a devotional series on music in the church. Next up: The Bible!

Many times in my pastoral career, I have been asked what makes a good church. So, I have said that a good church is made of only two things: good, solid Biblical preaching that encourages or challenges the Believer and authentic worship to God through music. We’ve already discussed the importance of preaching, so today we will break down why music is so i
mportant to God. Have you ever wondered why God wants His people to sing? What role should singing play in the life of a Christian? First, when we sing, we obey. Singing isn’t an option, it’s a command. Colossians 3:16 is only one verse out of many from both the Old and New Testaments that points out this command. It says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” When we sing, we’re doing what God tells us to do! Second, When we sing, we dig deep roots into the Word. Looking again at the Apostle Paul’s thoughts in Colossians 3:16, we see he is saying to let God’s Word dwell in us richly, and then, he tells us how to live out that command. The first, of course, is teaching. But the second, is singing! Singing is one of the two ways that the Word of God dwells in us. However, this particular command comes with a promise: as we sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs together, we are promised that the Word of Christ will dwell in us, will live in us and that is what we should crave as Believers! Our singing is more than a warm-up for the sermon or a filler in the service. Colossians 3:16 is clearly laying out for us that singing stands alongside preaching as one of the two great ways that God has ordained for His Word to dwell RICHLY in each one of us! We could go on and on about this command and how it blesses us and how it blesses God, but there is one last thing we need to understand: nowhere in the Bible are we commanded to use any particular style of music! Piano & organ weren’t even invented when the whole of the Bible was penned, so we can’t make a case that should be the only way to accompany our worship music. Yes, stringed instruments and cymbals and even drums are mentioned in Scripture, but electricity wasn’t discovered until years and years later. The key is not style but the presence of the Holy Spirit. Once a Christian experiences the presence of God while worshipping with their brothers and sisters… Once the power of Jesus is felt in a congregational expression of worship… Then you know you are in a good church. So this weekend, don’t pay attention to the drums and guitars, seek the presence of the Holy Spirit. This weekend, don’t get frustrated with the old school piano and classic organ, seek the presence of Jesus.

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