Hero and Scratch!

This is an Encouraging Word I wrote just over a year ago. It is a story of my daughters and celebrates their uniqueness. I hope it encourages you as much as I did when I wrote it and now reading it again.

-Back in the mid 1990’s the superhero movie craze was just getting started. That was awesome for me since I used to collect comics when I was a kid. Even now, I love the big screen adaptations of the characters I loved. The movies were so good in that the creators were able to capture the flare and personality of each hero just as they were portrayed in the colorfully creative news print books I used to read in my younger years.My daughters were also caught up in frenzy of the Hollywood manifestations of grown men wearing tights! One day at the dinner table, I asked them what would be their superhero name. Cassie, age 10, cheerfully stated that she was “The Incredible Amazing Cassie”! We all laughed and agreed that her super powers were to show people just how incredible and amazing she truly was. Then it was Bailey’s turn. She, around four at the time, looked me straight in the eyes and in a low, nearly demonic voice with her index finger raised to the side of her little face said, “I’m the Evil Scratch…” as she made a scratching motion with the finger. Now, we had a choice to make… we could have ran away… we could have snapped a discipline on her… or we could embrace that Bailey simply processes things differently than Cassie. We chose the latter and Bailey is growing up just fine! It’s always so interesting to me that God made us all so different. I think it’s absolutely cool that He has endowed each of us with gifts and passions that are uniquely individual. The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 12:4-6, “There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.” Once you arrive at your destination today and you see or hear someone do or say something that seems out of character don’t be too quick to judge. Remember, just because it’s different doesn’t make it wrong.

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