We believe in healing (part 3)

Recently, someone asked me if I really believed in miracles. They went on to inform me that none of the miracles in the Bible are available to people today. Apparently, there is a whole group of Christians that believe the Apostles were the only people who could “perform” miracles besides Jesus. That thought is seriously flawed. First, nowhere in Scripture do we see Jesus or any one of the Apostles, including Paul, commanding us not to expect miracles anymore. Second, people do not “perform” miracles, Jesus does! It is His power and power in His Name that make the sick well and the sinner forgiven… not any human being. Third, these people must not believe that the mending of a heart through the forgiveness of sin is a miracle even greater than mending a body. Jesus still performs miracles. Jesus still heals people. Jesus still forgives sin. Sickness, disease, pain, and death are still realities in this world. Unless the Lord returns, everyone who is alive today will die, and the vast majority of them (Christians included) will die as the result of a physical problem (disease, sickness, injury, old age). It is not always God’s will to heal us physically this side of glory, but it is His will to heal each one of us spiritually.  You see, Jesus wants everyone to be “saved”. “Saved” is the Greek word “sozo” and simply means “to be whole-physically, mentally and spiritually.” The Apostle Peter put it this way in 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.” That last part is a direct quote from Isaiah 53:5 which says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.” Being saved then includes forgiveness for our sins through the cross and healing by His wounds. Healing is just one side of the coin of being saved. Forgiveness of sins is the other. As a result of our salvation, we have hope in a new body and full healing. Ultimately, our full healing awaits us in heaven. In heaven, there will be no more pain, sickness, disease, suffering, or death. Yes, our physical wellbeing is very important and how we feel physically often manifest itself in how we feel emotionally, but as a Christian we need to be concerned with our spiritual condition first. Again, the mending of a broken heart is so much more of a miracle than the mending of a broken body. You see, in heaven we will no longer have to deal with physical problems but the soul must first believe that heaven awaits. Each and every miracle ever performed by Jesus was to prove that He is Lord. Physical healing today is simply no different, it points to the power of Jesus Christ and if He can heal a body He can heal a heart! Revelation 21:4 describes the true healing we should all be longing for: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Keep this verse in mind this week-end and be ready for a miracle this coming Sunday!

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